Cornell SPS is in close collaboration with communities outside of Cornell. Expand Your Horizon(EYH)
9/11/23 @ 12PM: Cliff Cheung Luncheon (Spots Limited)
Prof. Clifford Cheung from Caltech is visiting Cornell this fall to speak about his research in cosmology and high-energy physics. SPS...
8/29/23 @ 7pm G-Body Meeting
Get excited for our first G-Body of the semester! Pizza will be served. The mentor-mentee matches will be revealed after the meeting, so...
10.19.22 @ 12PM: Bethe Lecturer Luncheon (Spots Limited)
Meet the Bethe lecturer and get free food!
11.16.22 @ 7:30PM: SPS Open Mic Night
Bring your talent and your energy
10.5.22 @ 4PM: Fireside Chat with Prof. Hartman
Small-group conversation with Prof. Thomas Hartman
10.3.22 @ 5PM: Writing a Research Resume
Let SPS review/edit your research resume!
April 21 @ 2 PM: Fireside Chat with Prof. Brad Ramshaw in RCK B81
SPS will be hosting a fireside chat with Professor Brad Ramshaw in the SPS Lounge (Rockefeller B81) on April 21st at 2pm. Professor...
April 27 @ Noon: Cornell Undergraduate Luncheon w/ Bethe Lecturer John Martinis
The Cornell Department of Physics Undergraduate & Events Coordinator, Susan C. Sullivan, will be holding an undergraduate student...
April 12 @ 4PM: Fireside Chat with Naomi Gendler in RCK B81
Our next Fireside Chat will be with Naomi Gendler tomorrow, 4/12 at 4 pm in the SPS Lounge (Rockefeller Basement Room 81). As a PhD...
March 25 @ 8PM: CUSP Bowling Social
Cornell Underrepresented Students in Physics (CUSP) is holding a Physics Bowling Social at Helen Newman Hall on Friday, March 25, at 8pm....
Stay tuned for more March Events...
More to be published!
March 8th 5-6pm | Fireside Chat with TA Ben Keller
Physics Lounge, Rockefeller Hall